工程技術員 / 高級工程技術員 (電機/機械/電子/屋宇設備/土木工程)




  • 執行各類吊機及貨櫃碼頭相關設施的維修保養工作和緊急故障修理
  • 參與各類吊機及貨櫃碼頭相關設施的工程項目
  • 按既定的工作系統進行定期資料統計及維修紀錄
  • 需要戶外及高空工作,部分工種按需要輪班當值


  • 中學程度
  • 兩年或以上電機、機械、電子、屋宇設備、土木工程維修相關經驗(如具更高資歷,可獲受聘為更高職位)
  • 持有效及認可電工牌、剷車牌、風煤牌、燒焊牌、駕駛執照(第一、二類牌照)、貨櫃業平安咭則更佳(如未持有,則由公司推薦進修,以獲得相關專業資格)
  • 如具更高學歷,可獲受聘為助理工程師
  • 如經驗較少者,可被考慮聘用為見習技術員


  • 每週工作五天,上午8:30 至 下午6:00(8.5 小時工作及1 小時用膳休息)
  • 如有需要,或需輪班工作


  • 葵涌八號貨櫃碼頭
  • 上下班有公司免費穿梭巴士接送(上落客地點包括美孚、葵芳、荃灣、深水埗、旺角、黃大仙、彩虹、觀塘、元朗、屯門、沙田等)



  • 年終雙糧
  • 特別花紅
  • 每月發放激勵獎金
  • 輪班津貼
  • 加班津貼
  • 部門績效獎金
  • 12至15天全薪年假
  • 全面醫療保障 (包括人壽、危疾及意外等)
  • 完善退休福利計劃 (額外MPF供款)
  • 假期福利 (全薪考試假、婚假、侍產假等)
  • 免費員工巴士服務
  • 特價員工飯堂
  • 新婚/生日/新生禮物
  • 定期康樂活動
  • 免費康體休閒設施 (健身設施、桌球、乒乓球等)
  • 良好晉升機會
  • 完善技術培訓計劃
  • 個人進修資助計劃

有興趣申請的應徵者請將個人履歷 (包括學歷、工作經驗、要求待遇及聯絡電話) 電郵至 recruit@cosco.hit.com.hk 或 透過傳真 2991 8736或 郵寄:新界葵涌貨櫃碼頭南路,八號貨櫃碼頭東,中遠-國際大樓十樓,人力資源及行政總監收 ,應徵者請在信封及信內註明申請職位名稱。

如對職位有任何查詢,歡迎 WhatsApp: 53960038

Equal Opportunity & Personal Data Collection

We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all qualified candidates. The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and used only for consideration of application for relevant/similar positions within the Hutchison Group of Companies. Applicants not invited for interview in 6 weeks after job posting may consider their application unsuccessful and your personal data will be destroyed after a period of 6 months.

All personal data collected will be used exclusively for recruitment purpose only. Applicants who are not invited for interview within 6 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful and the application details of the unsuccessful applicants will be erased accordingly.

In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("Ordinance"), the Company will collect your personal data by fair and lawful measures such personal data collected only for the purposes for which the data were collected; take all reasonable practicable steps to ensure the accuracy and security of your personal data; comply with the data access and correction requests requirements as set out in the Ordinance.

You have the duty to inform any changes in your personal data held by the Company. Access or correction requests can be made by sending the request in writing to the following by Post: Officer - Human Resources, 10/F, CHT Tower, Container Terminals 8 East, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. CHOI at 2991 8985.

工作地區 葵涌

COSCO-HIT Terminals (Hong Kong) Limited