餐飲部 (小食亭) - 兼職職位空缺
- 清潔員 (洗碗)
- 小食亭餐飲服務員
Ocean Park Corporation is currently looking for talents to fill the following vacancies in our Food & Beverage team:
Free Duty Meal
• Food Attendant 小食亭餐飲服務員 (時薪: HK$70-$80)
• Cleaner 清潔員 (洗碗) (時薪: HK$70-$75)
For application and enquiry 申請及查詢:
Career website 招聘網站: https://careers.oceanpark.com.hk/en/job-openings/job-search-result/?SUBDEPT3=62
WhatsApp: 5208 3805
Recruitment Day 招聘日:
Date 日期:Every Thursdays (Except Public Holidays) 逢星期四 (公衆假期除外)
Time 時間:10:00am – 12:00nn / 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue 地點:Human Resources Department of Ocean Park Hong Kong (Right Side of Main Entrance, adjacent to HSBC ATM) 香港海洋公園人力資源部 (正門右側–匯豐銀行自動櫃員機旁)
Applicants please bring the following documents 求職者請帶備以下文件:
- Photo 相片
- Hong Kong Identity Card香港身份證正本
- Document of Identity for Visa (if applicable) 簽證身份書正本 (如適用)
Applicants not contacted within six weeks may consider their application unsuccessful. Personal data collected will be used for recruitment-related purpose only.
應徵者如在六星期內未獲邀請面試,將作落選論。所有收集資料只作招聘用途 。
所有資料將會絕對保密,並只用作考慮本集團 / 本公司 有關或類似職位之申請。
The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and be used only for consideration of your application for relevant / similar posts within the Group/ Company.
工作種類 | |
工作地區 | 香港仔 |
待遇 | 彈性工時 / 勤工獎 / 晉升機會 / 在職培訓 / 值班膳食 |
教育程度 |
受僱形式 | 兼職 / 合約 |
關鍵字 | 招聘日 |
行業 | 住宿 / 餐飲/ 會所 |