[MLB] Senior Sales Associate / Sales Associate 高級銷售助理 / 銷售助理 (銅鑼灣)
工作範圍 Job Description
- 協助處理店鋪日常運作,包括店舖貨務及銷售工作等
- Assist store daily operations including sales support, cashier, stockroom etc.
- 提供良好客戶服務
- Provide good customer services
職位要求 Job Requirements
- 中六或以上學歷
- F.6 or above
- 最少一年或以上時裝或鞋袋全職銷售經驗,較多經驗者可考慮資深銷售員
- At least one -year or above full-time working experience in fashion retail, more experience would be considered as Senior Sales Associate
- 主動、具團體精神及具客戶服務意識
- Pro-active, good team player and service-oriented
- 熱愛時裝及衣著配襯、積極進取
- Passion in fashion and mix and match
- 即時上班者優先
- Immediately available is highly preferred
員工福利 Benefits
- 每月8天休息日 8 day-off per month
- 8小時工作 8-hour work
- 優厚佣金 Competitive Commission Scheme
- 年終花紅 Year-end Bonus
- 免費制服 Free Uniform
- 高逹20日有薪假期 Maximum up to 20 AL
- 婚假 Marriage Leave
- 侍產假 Paternity Leave
- 生日假 Birthday Leave
- 員工購物優惠 Staff Discount
上班地點: 銅鑼灣
Work Location : Causeway Bay
歡迎WhatsApp / 致電給我們,招聘熱線:9592 1300
Interested candidate may send your CV with photo to mlbhk.hr@fnfcorp.com
Contact us via WhatsApp / phone call, our recruitment hotline: 9592 1300
Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.
員工福利 Benefits
- 醫療津貼 Medical Insurance
- 年終雙糧 Double Pay
- 銷售佣金 Commission
- 員工折扣優惠 Staff Discount
- 有薪婚假 Marriage Leave
- 生日假期 Birthday Leave
- 年終花紅 Year end bonus
- 侍產假 Paternity Leave
行業 Industry
- 批發及零售業 Wholesale & Retail
工作種類 Job Category
- 銷售 (零售) Sales (Retail Sales)
- 銷售 (直銷) Sales (Direct Sales)
- 銷售 (顧客服務主任) Sales (Customer Service - Supervisor / Officer)
- 銷售 (其他) Sales (Others)
工作地點 Location
- 銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay
經驗要求 Experience
- 1 年或以上 / years or above
學歷要求 Education
- 中學文憑試 DSE
所有資料將會絕對保密,並只用作考慮本集團 / 本公司 有關或類似職位之申請。
The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and be used only for consideration of your application for relevant / similar posts within the Group/ Company.
工作種類 | |
工作地區 | 銅鑼灣 |
待遇 | 雙糧 / 醫療保險 / 花紅/獎金 / 員工折扣 / 婚假 / 侍產假 / 佣金 / 生日假 |
教育程度 |
會考 / 中學文憑
技能 | 團隊合作 |
受僱形式 | 全職 |
行業 | 批發 / 零售 |