
Resident Building Services Inspector (RBSI) 駐地盤屋宇裝備督察 (RBSI)

P&T Architects Limited
刊登於 2024-11-19



We are looking for the following site staff for Amenity Complex at Ma On Shan (Contract No. SS M515)

The proposed project is located at the junction of Ma On Shan Road and On Luk Street and adjacent to Ma On Shan Police Station. The building consists of Sports Centre, Swimming Pool, Hong Kong Public Libraries New Book Centre, Community Hall and Public Vehicle Parking. 

Resident Building Services Inspector (RBSI)
The minimum qualifications required for the post of Resident Building Services Inspector shall be as follows:

  • A Diploma or Higher Certificate in Building Services Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from the Construction Industry Council in Hong Kong / Hong Kong Institute of Construction / Hong Kong Polytechnic / Hong Kong Polytechnic University / Hong Kong Technical College / Hong Kong Technical Institute / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, or equivalent.
  • 8 years’ relevant experience including 4 years’ working experience in the capacity of Assistant Building Services Inspector, or equivalent.
  • Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2* or above in English Language and Chinese Language in Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) /Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent.
  • The tentative employment period will be about 65 months with gratuity payable on satisfactory completion of the contract and the tentative commencement date of employment will be in November 2024.

[Note * Grade E in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in previous HKCEE are accepted administratively as comparable to Level 2 in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.]

Interested parties may send your written application with full resume stating working experience, qualifications, present and expected salary and date of availability on or before 26 November 2024 to:

P&T Architects Limited
33/F, 633 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong
or email address ‘hr@p-t-group.com
or fax no. (852) 2838-6072 [Quote Ref. No.: 5883]
(All data collected would be used for recruitment purpose only)

(合約編號:  SS M515)

駐地盤屋宇裝備督察 (RBSI)

  • 持有香港建造業議會╱香港建造學院╱香港理工學院╱香港理工大學╱香港科技學院╱香港工業學院╱香港專業教育學院頒發的屋宇裝備工程或電機工程或機械工程文憑或高級證書,或同等學歷;
  • 八年相關工作經驗,其中四年為助理屋宇裝備督察,或具同等工作經驗;
  • 須在香港中學會考(會考) 或香港中學文憑考試(文憑試)在英文運用及中文運用取得2級* 或以上成績以符合有關職位的語文能力要求,或同等學歷;
  • 合約期暫定由二零二四年十一月開始,預計合約期為六十五個月,合約期滿後按表現可獲發約滿酬金。

[備註 *:在香港中學會考的中國語文科及英國語文科 (課程乙) 中取獲 E 級成績,會視為等同於二零零七年或以後舉辦的香港中學會考的中國語文科及英國語文科取獲2 級成績。]


或以電郵方式傳送到: hr@p-t-group.com
或傳真至: (852) 2838-6072 (職位編號: 5883)

工作地區 馬鞍山

P&T Architects Limited