Resident Works Supervisor Class I 駐地盤一級監工 (RWSI/GE/2024/02)

C M Wong & Associates Ltd
刊登於 2025-01-27



Posted on 17 Jan 2025


CEDD Contract No. GE/2024/02Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, Hong Kong Island and Outlying Islands, Phase 1, Contract 1

This Contract forms part of the works under the Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme (LPMitP) Project. C M Wong & Associates Ltd. has been appointed by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) for the investigation, design and supervision of upgrading works under this Contract (CEDD Contract No. GE/2024/02) aiming to mitigate the natural terrain hazards to 2 natural hillside study areas at Wong Nai Chung and Aberdeen, upgrade some 25 government slopes in Hong Kong Island and Outlying Islands and carry out enhancement works for 11 flexible debris-resisting barriers in Hong Kong Island. This Contract has been commenced in July 2024 and it is anticipated to be completed by October 2026.

Under the above Contract, we have vacancies for the following posts of resident site staff who meet the minimum qualification and experience requirements and are competent to carry out the assigned duties with consistently high standards of performance and conduct: -

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Minimum Qualification and Experience:
(a) Certificate from Construction Industry Council in Hong Kong (CIC)/Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC)/Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)/Technical Institute which was/is a member of VTC (TI)/Technical College which was/is a member of VTC (TC)/Polytechnic University/Polytechnic in Hong Kong (Poly) or equivalent in an appropriate discipline; or

(b) Completed a recognized technician apprenticeship in Civil Engineering; or

(c) Successfully completed a recognized craft apprenticeship with two years’ experience as a skilled worker in Civil Engineering; or

(d) Minimum of 5 years’ experience as a skilled worker in Civil Engineering; and

(e) Minimum of 3 years’ relevant post-qualification experience; or

(f) Minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience as a Resident Works Supervisor Class II or equivalent in public works projects or those listed in Section 4.5.2 of the RSS Management Handbook.


Terms of Appointment:
The duration of appointment of the above posts is anticipated to be about 20 months. Successful candidates will be employed under the prevailing civil service practices.

Please send confidential applications, including full details of academic qualifications and working experience, copies of qualification certificates and employment references, availability, contact telephone number and quoting the reference code on the letter and envelope to C  Wong & Associates Ltd, 11/F Universal Trade Centre, 3-5A Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong, for the attention of the Administrative Manager or or by clicking “Quick apply” on or before 7 February 2025.






入職條件 :

- 持有香港建造業議會/香港建造學院/香港專業教育學院/工業學院/科技學院/香港理工大學/理工學院頒發的證書,或具備同等學歷;或

- 已完成一項認可的土木工程技術員學徒訓練;或

- 已完成一項認可的學徒訓練,並於完成訓練後,具有二年或以上之土木工程相關熟練技工工作經驗;或

- 具有五年或以上之土木工程相關熟練技工工作經驗;及

- 取得該等資格後具有三年或以上之相關工作經驗;或

- 具有三年或以上在政府或於顧問公司直接聘用駐工地人員的管理手冊章節4.5.2中列出的機構中擔任相關界別的駐地盤二級監工職位之相關工作經驗。




申請人須將申請信連同履歷、學歷及工作證明文件副本,並註明可到職日期和聯絡電話等(在申請信及信封上需寫上申請職位編號),於2025年2月7日前寄香港中環亞畢諾道三至五A號環貿中心11樓黃志明建築工程師有限公司收或按''Quick apply''。

The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and be used only for consideration of your application for relevant / similar posts within the Group/ Company.

所有資料將會絕對保密,並只用作考慮本集團 / 本公司 有關或類似職位之申請。

工作地區 西灣河
會考 / 中學文憑
受僱形式 合約
行業 建築 / 建造 / 工程

C M Wong & Associates Ltd
Established over 30 years with a total workforce of over 400 staff, we have been one of the leading engineering consultants in Hong Kong, providing consultancy services in civil, structural and geotechnical engineering.

We have designed and supervised a large number of projects, covering a wide spectrum of engineering works. These include single block or multi-blocks high-rise building developments, estate type house developments and major addition and alteration works to existing buildings.

We are also well known for providing innovative and cost-effective engineering solutions to superstructure and foundations or deep basement excavation in difficult ground.