
Chek Lap Kok
2 year(s) work experience
Salary negotiable
Five-day work week / Flexible working hours / Life insurance / Medical insurance / Overtime pay / Staff discount / New join bonus / Promotion opportunities / On-the-job training / Referral bonus

Job Description

·         To complete the daily assignments given by the Manager On Duty

·         To monitor the cargo build-up, breakdown, acceptance and release progress through the ‘Warehouse Operating System’ (WOS)

·         To perform data entry and verification of import/export/transshipment cargo information through 'Warehouse Operating System' (WOS)

·         To coordinate with airlines, contractors, Customs & Excise Department, agent customers if necessary

·         To distribute instruction / Job Order to Contractor’s Team Leader

·         To perform onsite inspection during the daily operations

·         To cooperate with subcontractor to meet the services level agreements

·         To lead the teams to execute the agreed operations procedures per required service standards and in accordance with the regulatory requirements

·         To liaise with contractor’s Team Leader closely to ensure the contractor to working in an effective and efficient way

·         To monitor the performance of all services suppliers to ensure the service standards are met and initiate suggestions on services improvement

·         To assist new joiners to be familiar with the working procedures and environment To conduct post flight check if required

·         To take follow up actions when the operations irregularities and preclude recurrence

·         To issue Fault Report for respective areas in a timely manner

Job Function
Work Location Chek Lap Kok
Benefits Five-day work week / Flexible working hours / Life insurance / Medical insurance / Overtime pay / Staff discount / New join bonus / Promotion opportunities / On-the-job training / Referral bonus
School Certificate / HKDSE
Employment Type Full Time
Industry Freight Forwarding / Delivery / Shipping

About company
國泰航空服務有限公司 Cathay Pacific Services Limited
國泰貨運站 秉持精益求精、靈活創新的態度,為客戶提供優質卓越的服務,鞏固香港作為國際空運樞紐的首席地位。立即加入我們充滿活力的團隊,在頂級貨運站發展您的真正潛能。讓我們共同成長,引領客戶及企業飛躍前行、開闢新猷!

本公司獲頒「商界展關懷」2019-2022 標誌獎狀

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