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0 year(s) work experience

Job Description

職責 :  Equipment troubleshooting;Maintain part warehouse in accurate&tidy condition;Liaise w/ maintenance service contractor to ensure target service level/performance;Equipment/facilities modifications,improvement&procedural changes project to improve equipment performance,safety&environmental friendly

資歷 :  專上教育:文憑/證書; 3年經驗; 良好粵語; 良好普通話; 良好英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂電腦文書處理; 懂生產機械維修; 持有電工A牌; 懂電器維修; 具有基本電腦操作知識; With cement batching plant/ heavy duty production line exp. pref.; A team player

待遇 :  每月$25,000 - $28,000, 有每小時超時工作津貼$100, 雙糧, 勤工獎金, 酌情性花紅, 在職培訓, 醫療保險 及膳食津貼, 上午7時半至下午7時半/下午7時半至上午7時半,每週工作5天,輪班,輪休,每天工作12小時(Perform preventive maintenance), (Adhere to company policies & safety regulations)

申請須知 :  求職者可致電28669199與聖戈班香港有限公司區小姐聯絡。

備註 :  -

Job Function
Work Location Not Specified

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