
Kowloon Bay
5 year(s) work experience
Medical insurance / Annual Leave

Job Description

1. 負責辦公室行政支援,包括處理公司各項日常行政事務,如:電腦文字處理,電腦數據輸入,影印,文件存檔,收發文件,資產管理,設施維護等;
2. 負責駕駛車接載公司高級管理人員及其家屬往返指定地點;
3. 負責處理車輛的日常保養、清潔、维修、各類手續等相關工作,確保車輛狀況良好及運作正常並完成相關記錄與報告
4. 完成部門交辦的其他工作事項。

1. 中五或程度; 一年或以上文書工作經驗;
2. 掌握英文電腦Windows操作;
3. 熟悉MS Office以及中英文打字(中英文打字速度平均每分鐘30個字);
4. 持有私家車駕駛執照 ,五年或以上駕駛經驗; 工作時不吸煙不飲酒, 具良好駕駛態度及責任感;
5. 熟悉香港各區街道,交通情況及交通規則;
6. 守時及良好時間管理、有禮,良好溝通能力;
7. 持有中港車牌優先考慮。

Job Function
Work Location Kowloon Bay
Benefits Medical insurance / Annual Leave
School Certificate / HKDSE
Skills Writing / Attention to detail / Communication / Microsoft Word / Microsoft Excel / Microsoft PowerPoint
Spoken Language Fluent Cantonese / Basic English
Written Language Fluent Chinese / Intermediate English
Employment Type Contract
Keyword Admin / Driver

About company
Axisoft (Asia Pacific) Limited
Axisoft is a Top-Notch Financial Technology Provider with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Zhuhai and Shenzhen. Since 1998, we have been helping global top-tier Private Banks to improve their profitability through the deployment of our solutions in several countries, such as Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, Japan and Switzerland.