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#Resident Works Supervisor Class I (Civil) Ref. No: RWSI(C)/18540C/Water / #駐地盤一級監工(土木) Ref. No:RWSI(C)/18540C/Water

AECOM Asia Co Ltd
Posted 1 day ago

Not Specified
2 year(s) work experience

Job Description

Candidates should have:

  • Certificate from the Construction Industry Council in Hong Kong/ Hong Kong Institute of Construction/ Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education/ technical institute/ technical college/ a Hong Kong polytechnic university/ polytechnic or equivalent in an appropriate discipline; or
  • Completed a recognized technician apprenticeship in an appropriate discipline; or
  • Successfully completed a recognized craft apprenticeship with 2 years’ experience as a skilled worker in an appropriate discipline; or
  • 5 years’ experience as a skilled worker in an appropriate discipline; and
  • At least 3 years’ relevant post-qualification experience; or
  • At least 3 years’ relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor II or equivalent in public works projects or those listed in Section 4.5.2 of the “RSS Management Handbook”.


  • 持有香港建造業議會╱香港建造學院╱香港專業教育學院╱工業學院╱科技學院╱香港理工大學╱理工學院頒發的相關學科文憑,或具備同等學歷;或
  • 完成一項認可的技術員學徒訓練;或
  • 成功完成一項認可的工藝學徒訓練,及具有兩年熟練技工之相關工作經驗;或
  • 具有五年技術人員之相關工作經驗;及
  • 具有最少三年在取得有關資格後的工作經驗;或
  • 具有最少三年在公共工程項目或在駐工地人員的管理手冊第4.5.2中列出的工程項目中擔任駐地盤二級監督職位的相關工作經驗。

# Attained a level of proficiency in Chinese and English Languages equivalent to Secondary 3 standard or above.

# 取得相等於香港中學三年級或以上的中國語文及英國語文科水平。

Applicants should also refer to the other requirement(s) stipulated in Appendix 7.4 of “Management Handbook for Direct Employment of Resident Site Staff by Consultants for Public Works Projects” from the webpage of Development Bureau.


The candidates should have minimum academic/ professional qualification requirements of the above posts.


Conditions: Appointments will be made on Agreement Terms with AECOM Asia Company Limited in accordance with the prevailing Government’s terms and conditions. Salary will commensurate with qualifications and experience.

聘用條款: 獲取錄的申請人,艾奕康有限公司會以合約形式聘請,聘用條款將按受聘時政府採用的編制而定。受聘人之薪酬按資歷及經驗而定。

Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the Company may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment interview.


Interested persons should send full resume with date of availability, contact telephone no. and expected salary by 31 October 2024to the Human Resources Department, AECOM, 12/F Grand Central Plaza, Tower 2, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Shatin, NT. or email

(Candidates should quote the REF NO. on the application letter and envelope)

申請手續:申請人須將申請信連同履歷,可到職日期、聯絡電話號碼及要求待遇,於二零二四年十月三十一日或之前,郵寄至新界沙田鄉事會路138號新城市中央廣場第212樓,艾奕康有限公司人力資源部收,或電郵至: (申請者必須在申請信及信封上寫上申請職位編號)。

Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only. The Company will retain the applications for a maximum period of 12 months after which their personal data will be destroyed.


Job Function
Work Location Not Specified
Non-Degree Tertiary

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AECOM Asia Co Ltd