實驗室化驗員 (Lab Technician)
ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Limited
刊登於 2024-12-12
免费穿梭巴士 / 医疗保险
崗位職責(Job Responsibilities)
- 對原材料、成品和廢水樣本進行濕化學、儀器分析,包括檢測成品、原料、小樣的各項理化指標,在制定時間內完成檢測並報告測試結果。Conduct wet chemistry and instrumental analysis of raw materials, finished products and wastewater samples, including testing various physical and chemical indicators of finished products, raw materials, and samples, complete the testing within the specified time and report the test results.
- 在資料表、樣品登記表、生物柴油測試結果匯總表和原料卸載匯總表上整合和記錄相關資料,確保產品及原料品質合乎標準。Integrate and record relevant information on the data sheet, sample registration form, biodiesel test results summary sheet and raw material unloading summary sheet to ensure the quality of products and raw materials meet the requirements.
- 維護良好、安全的實驗室環境,進行樣品登記、儲存、檢索和處理測試,並按照相關制度要求對化驗樣品進行觀察,確保異常狀況的及時發現與處置。Maintain a good and safety laboratory environment, conduct sample registration, storage, retrieval and processing testing, and observe laboratory samples in accordance with relevant system requirements to ensure any abnormal conditions can be detected and handled in timely.
- 預防性維護和校準儀器,如 GC-FID、FTIR、ICP 和一般實驗室設備。記錄年度檢查和校準結果,若有異常情況,需要及時向主管報告。Preventive maintenance and calibrate instruments, such as GC-FID, FTIR, ICP and general laboratory equipment. Record annual inspection and results calibration, also report any abnormal situation to the supervisor promptly.
- 積極與生產部門協作,完善內外部體系內核工作。Collaborate with the production department actively and improve the core works of internal and external systems.
- 向上級領導提供及時準確的工作回饋,包括工作進展、成果和問題,並完成其他上級指派的任務。Provide timely and accurate work feedback to superiors, including work progress, results and problems, also complete other tasks assigned by superiors.
崗位要求(Job Requirements)
- 大專及以上學歷,應用化學、化學技術或相關專業。Degree or above in applied chemistry, chemical technology or related disciplines.
- 從事過化驗分析工作,或有從事過化學品行業檢驗的相關工作經驗者優先,能夠接受廠區實驗室工作環境,對化驗分析感興趣的應屆畢業生也會考慮。Experience in analysis work or inspection work in chemical industry is preferred. Fresh graduates can accept working in the factory and interested in laboratory analysis will also be considered.
- 熟悉儀器操作者優先,如 GC-FID、ICP、UV 等。Familiar with instrument operators, such as GC-FID, ICP, UV, etc. is preferred.
- 熟練使用常用辦公軟體,能夠利用Excel進行資料分析。Proficient in using office software and able to use Excel for data analysis.
- 具有良好的溝通及執行能力,責任心強、耐心細緻、勤奮主動,能獨立完成工作,並及時向主管報告。Have good communication and execution skills, strong sense of responsibility, patience, meticulousness, diligence and initiative, be able to complete work independently, and report to supervisor in a timely manner.
- 需要輪班工作。(輪班時間: 日班: 08:30 – 20:30; 夜班: 20:30 – 08:30; 月休:8天, 根據輪班表日夜輪班)Require shift work.(Shift time: Day shift: 08:30 – 20:30; Night shift: 20:30 – 08:30; Monthly break: 8 days, day and night shifts according to the shift schedule)
薪酬及福利 (Benefits)
- 10天年假(10 days of AL)
- 醫療保險(Medical)
- 薪酬(Salary) : $20,000-$25,000
- 上班地點(Working location):將軍澳工業村 (TKO Industrial Estate)
- 早上有廠車接送(With shuttle bus in the morning)
The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and be used only for consideration of your application for relevant / similar posts within the Group/ Company.
工作種類 | |
工作地區 | 将军澳 |
待遇 | 免费穿梭巴士 / 医疗保险 |
教育程度 |
技能 | 沟通能力 / Microsoft Excel |
受僱形式 | 全职 |
行業 | 制造 |
ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Limited