Full-Time Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor (Dept of Chinese)
Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor
Full-time Academic Position in Chinese Language and Literature (Start date: 1st September 2025)
The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, invites applications for a full-time position of Lecturer / Assistant Professor / Associate Professor. Applicants should:
(i) possess a doctorate in Chinese language, literature, or related disciplines;
(ii) have expertise in modern and contemporary Chinese literature. Experience in applying digital technology to teaching and research is desirable;
(iii) be capable of designing and delivering at least three of the following courses: (1) Hong Kong Literature; (2) Modern and Contemporary Chinese Women’s Literature (3) Creative Writing; (4) First Year Chinese; and/or other related courses;
(iv) have relevant teaching experience in tertiary education matching the requirement of the applied ranking (except for applications of Lecturer): at least one year of teaching experience as Lecturer and/or Assistant Professor for Assistant Professor; five years teaching experience as Assistant Professor for Associate Professor;
(v) have a good record of publications.
Salary: Negotiable according to academic qualifications and experience.
Closing Date: 24th February 2025
Information about the Department and its programme are located at https://chinese.hksyu.edu/. For queries about the application process, please contact University Secretary via email recruit_ap@hksyu.edu.
Applicants should download and fill out the application form from the University website, and attach the following materials:
- complete curriculum vitae;
- copies of qualification documents;
- three recommendation letters from relevant experts with Professorial title (including Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor);
- Two samples of the applicant’s representative academic publications.
Application materials should be sent by email: recruit_ap@hksyu.edu (Subject: “Application for academic position_CHI”).
Review of applications will start immediately. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted within four weeks of complete application received. Personal data collected will be used for staff recruitment purpose only.
1. 具中國語言文學/中文教學或相關博士學位;
2. 專研現當代文學,可應用數碼科技於教學及研究者獲優先考慮;
3. 可發展及任教以下至少三科:一、香港文學;二、中國現當代女性文學;三、創意寫作;四、大一國文;以及/或其他相關科目;
4. 除應徵講師職級以外,申請者須具備與申請職級相稱的大專院校教學經驗(申請助理教授者須具一年或以上教學經驗;副教授者須具五年或以上助理教授經驗);
5. 有良好的學術出版紀錄。
1. 下載並填寫申請表,另附個人簡歷;
2. 附上學位證書以及其他職業資格證書、獲獎證書之類證明文件(若適合)的掃 描版或影印本;
3. 提供三位具教授職稱(包括助理教授、副教授及正教授)的專家推薦信;
4. 提交代表論著兩份。
有關香港樹仁大學中國語言文學系的資訊,請瀏覽網站 https://chinese.hksyu.edu/;若需諮詢申請程序,請聯絡大學秘書長,電郵:recruit_ap@hksyu.edu。
工作種類 | |
工作地區 | 北角 |
教育程度 |
受僱形式 | 全职 |
行業 | 教育 / 培训 |