Laboratory Technician 實驗室技術員 (建材檢測)
The Lab Asia
教育津贴 / 医疗保险 / 加班费 / 勤工奖 / 膳食津贴 / 晋升机会 / 在职培训 / 婚假 / 生日假 / 恩恤假
- 負責執行建築材料測試工作及常規實驗室工作
- 無須相關學歷及工作經驗、提供有薪在職培訓
- 持香港中學文憑考試五科考獲第2級或同等或以上成績(包括中國語文科和英國語文科),或香港中學會考五科考獲第2級/E級或以上成績(包括中國語文科和英國語文科),或具同等學歷
- 主動性強、願意學習及具良好團隊精神
- 即時上班優先考慮
工作地點: 元朗屏山
工作時間: 星期一至星期六 8:30-17:30 (銀行假期)
薪酬: 月薪$14,500起
- 銀行假期
- 有薪年假
- 生日假
- 婚假
- 全薪產假/侍產假
- 恩恤假
- 酌情年終酬金
- 勤工獎
- 超時工作津貼
- 醫療及人壽保險
- 培訓資助及教育津貼
- 在職培訓
- 良好晉升階梯 (技術員>高級技術員>主管)
工作种类 | |
工作地区 | 元朗 |
待遇 | 教育津贴 / 医疗保险 / 加班费 / 勤工奖 / 膳食津贴 / 晋升机会 / 在职培训 / 婚假 / 生日假 / 恩恤假 |
教育程度 |
会考 / 中学文凭
技能 | 团队合作 |
受雇形式 | 全职 |
行业 | 实验室 |
The Lab Asia
The Lab (Asia) Limited (The Lab) is a fully independent materials testing, inspection and consulting organization serving the construction, civil engineering, highways, airports, and associated industries. Headquartered in Hong Kong with offices in Macau and Zhuhai.
The Lab has a comprehensive scope of laboratory and site testing operations, as well as materials inspection, investigation, and consultancy services. We have involved various infrastructure projects both in public and private sector including dedicated testing and inspection services for the Hong Kong Airport Authority. The Lab has already been awarded a contract to support the construction of the third runway and will launch one of the largest onsite labs for the construction sector, employing over 300 technicians. It also offers both the platform and competence for further expansion into the mainland Chinese infrastructure market. In 2021, we become a wholly owned subsidiary of the SGS Group following the initial acquisition of minority stake in 2016.
The Lab has a comprehensive scope of laboratory and site testing operations, as well as materials inspection, investigation, and consultancy services. We have involved various infrastructure projects both in public and private sector including dedicated testing and inspection services for the Hong Kong Airport Authority. The Lab has already been awarded a contract to support the construction of the third runway and will launch one of the largest onsite labs for the construction sector, employing over 300 technicians. It also offers both the platform and competence for further expansion into the mainland Chinese infrastructure market. In 2021, we become a wholly owned subsidiary of the SGS Group following the initial acquisition of minority stake in 2016.