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Photographer 攝影師 / Photography Assistant 攝影助理
Petits Photography
โพสต์ 2 วันที่แล้ว
ประสบการณ์ทำงาน 0 ปี
花红/奖金 / 员工折扣 / 勤工奖 / 晋升机会 / 在职培训 / 佣金
Remuneration 薪酬待遇:
- Commission 佣金
- Monthly Attendance Bonus 每月勤工獎金
- Annual Performance Bonus 年度表現獎金
- Year-end Bonus 年終花紅
- 6 Days Official Holiday (per month) 每月6天例假
- Extra Day Off 額外休息日
- Promotion Opportunities 晉升機會
- Staff Discounts 員工優惠
- On-the-job Training 在職培訓
Responsibilities & Requirements 職責及要求:
- Handle indoor, outdoor, and studio photography 負責室內、室外及影樓攝影
- Perform photo retouching and color correction 照片潤飾和色彩校正
- Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, and common editing software 精通常用修圖軟件
- Experience in photographing children is preferred 有拍攝兒童經驗者優先考慮
- Prior experience in the photography industry required 需具備攝影行業相關經驗
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills 良好的溝通能力和人際技巧
- Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment 能同時處理多項工作並在快節奏環境中工作
- Willingness to undergo on-the-job training 願意接受在職培訓
- Friendly, professional, and customer-oriented demeanor 友善、專業,並以客戶為中心
- Full-time and part-time positions available 全職和兼職都歡迎應聘
Interested candidates are invited to email your resume, expected salary, and portfolio to [via Apply Now] or apply quickly by clicking “Quick apply.”
About Us:
PETITS’ PHOTOGRAPHY specialize in high-quality photography services, including events, weddings, and school graduations. Our experienced team ensures exceptional results and memorable experiences for all clients.
For more information, please visit:
All applications applied through our system will be delivered directly to the advertiser and privacy of personal data of the applicant will be ensured with security.
ฟังก์ชั่นงาน | |
สถานที่ทำงาน | 新蒲岗 |
สวัสดิการที่ได้รับ | 花红/奖金 / 员工折扣 / 勤工奖 / 晋升机会 / 在职培训 / 佣金 |
การศึกษา |
ทักษะ | 沟通能力 |
ประเภทการจ้างงาน | 全职 |
อุตสาหกรรม | 教育 / 培训 |
Petits Photography