Production Manager
About us
Over the past decade, the company has been investing in the cultural and performance industry, leveraging its top-notch creative production capabilities to accumulate a portfolio of high-quality IP brands. With an international operations team, the company has successfully operated the projects in nearly a hundred cities worldwide, including Europe, Asia, the US, and Canada. Notably, the acclaimed “Cavalia” brand operated successfully in Singapore and HK in 2014/2015, receiving praise from residents, tourists, government, and media, generating significant social and market impact. The company plans to invest in and operate theme park entertainment products in several internationally renowned tourist cities such as Singapore, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shenzhen.
Qualifications & experience
- 1. 藝術管理學曆背景優先;2. 有不少於5年的舞臺製作、運營經驗3. 英語口語流利溝通、準確書寫4. 可以在香港長期工作5. 溝通協調能力強、工作責任心強、熱愛舞臺藝術
Tasks & responsibilities
- 1. 專案工資聘任,專案制優先2. 協助公司董事總經理管理參與演出專案製作所有環節,確保演出專案高效進行、如期開演3. 監督整個演出製作及運營的日常工作,以確保演出流程順暢;4. 協調溝通演出製作相關團隊、設定目標、確保專案按計畫和預算進行5. 所分配演出單元的所有演出元素的協調、整合和監督,包括演員、技術人員、服裝、化妝、維護和運營
- 有薪年假
工作种类 | |
工作地区 | 湾仔 |