Store Expansion Manager- 門市拓展經理




  1. 拓展規劃:依據年度拓店目標制定門市成長規劃與拓展方案。
  2. 選址評估:對商圈及門市選址進行評估與談判,對店鋪位置、門市興建及租賃成本等關鍵指標負責。
  3. 保障交付:與當地採購對接,確保建店交付能力,並保障門市建置進度。
  4. 客情維護:拓展物業資源,維護與地產商、Mall合作部門的關係。
  5. 沙盤盤點:季度進行商圈沙盤盤點,維護商圈資料庫。
  6. 建店驗收:依據門市建造標準及當地的法律法規協同總部、地區部與國家相關方進行門市驗收。
  7. 總部協同:配合執行總部建店組安排相關事項。

Position Description

  1. Expansion Planning: Develop store growth plans and expansion strategies in line with annual store-opening targets.
  2. Evaluate Site Selection: Assess and negotiate the selection of business districts and store locations, taking responsibility for key indicators such as store location, construction, and rental costs.
  3. Delivery Assurance: Coordinate with store construction suppliers to ensure delivery capabilities and maintain the construction progress of stores.
  4. Partner Relations Maintenance: Expand real estate resources and maintain relationships with property developers and shopping mall cooperation departments.
  5. Mapping: Conduct a quarterly mapping of business districts and maintain the business districts database.
  6. Store Construction Acceptance: Inspect and accept stores with HQ and regional stakeholders based on construction standards and local laws and regulations.
  7. Headquarter Coordination: Execute store establishment-related matters assigned by the HQ Expansion team.


  1. 候選人需非常熟悉當地零售市場及商圈業態;
  2. 具備至少3年以上當地的門市拓展經驗;
  3. 與本地頭腰商業集團、Mall、地產集團有相關合作資源且有良好的合作關係;
  4. 熟悉建築和裝修流程,了解當地法律法規和行業標準。
  5. 可流暢使用本國語言及英文進行口頭與書面表達。
  6. 建築、工程管理、專案管理或相關專業本科及以上學歷。
  7. 有頭部商圈合作資源為加分。

Kills and qualifications

  1. Candidates must be very familiar with the local retail market and business district format.
  2. Possess at least 3 years of experience in local store expansion.
  3. Have partnership resources with top-tier and mid-tier local commercial groups, malls, and real estate conglomerates, and maintain good cooperative relationships.
  4. Be familiar with the construction and decoration process, and understand local laws, regulations, and industry standards.
  5. Be able to fluently express themselves verbally and in writing in the native language and English.
  6. Hold a bachelor's degree or higher in architecture, engineering management, project management, or related fields.
  7. Having partnership resources in top-tier business districts is a plus.

工作地区 不指定

Xiaomi Technology (Thailand) Limited