
全職侍應Full time waiter/waitress HK$20,000 – HK$22,000

Yeon Nam Dong
刊登於 2025-03-05

Western District
Bonus / Staff discount / Attendance bonus / Promotion opportunities / On-the-job training / Free duty meal


  • 誠邀年輕有活力、對韓國菜式有興趣的朋友

We sincerely invite young and energetic friends who are interested in Korean cuisine

  • 正宗韓國人主理韓國料理

Authentic Korean cuisine prepared by Koreans

人工(Salary):HK$20,000 – HK$22,000

工作時間(Working time): 11:00 – 23:00 (10 hours / with 2 hours break)

例假(Monthly off):6 days

年假(Annual leave): 7 days

員工福利(Benefits):在職培訓、員工優惠 、優秀員工獎勵,勤工獎,福食,良好晉升機會On-the-job training, employee discounts, outstanding employee rewards, hard work awards, staff meal, and good promotion opportunities


1. 負責招待客人,為客人點餐Responsible for servicing guests and taking orders for them

2. 推介韓式美食 Recommend Korean food

3. 提供以客為先的優質餐飲服務 Provide high quality catering services

4. 擺設及收拾餐 Table setting and cleaning up


- 英語和粵語流利,韓語優先Fluent in English and Cantonese, Korean is a plus

- 持有香港永久性居民身分證或香港合法就業證明Hold a Hong Kong permanent ID card or proof of legal employment in Hong Kong


Application Method申請方法:

Click “Apply Now”, or WhatsApp to “52059330“ contact Mr. Baek;  求職者可按“Apply Now” WhatsApp”52059330” Baek先生聯絡


所有資料將會絕對保密,並只用作考慮本集團 / 本公司有關或類似職位之申請。

The information provided will be treated in strict confidence and be used only for consideration of your application for relevant / similar posts within the Group/ Company.

工作地區 Western District
待遇 Bonus / Staff discount / Attendance bonus / Promotion opportunities / On-the-job training / Free duty meal
Form 3
技能 Customer service / Communication
口語語言 流利 Cantonese / 流利 English
受僱形式 Full Time
行業 Hospitality / Catering / Club

Yeon Nam Dong