客戶服務助理 Customer Service Assistant - 九龍灣MegaBox

牙科保险 / 免费穿梭巴士 / 医疗保险 / 花红/奖金 / 勤工奖 / 新人奬金 / 晋升机会 / 在职培训



工作地點:九龍灣 MegaBox

主要職責 : 

  • 負責服務櫃檯的日常管理運作
  • 負責協助及處理客戶査詢及投訴,商場推廣活動等
  • 提供各項禮賓服務


  • 每月勤工獎 $1,500 及$3,000 新人獎金
  • 17天銀行假期,12天有薪年假及2天家庭關顧假
  • 酌情性花紅
  • 員工及配偶醫療及住院保險
  • 良好晉升機會及在職培訓


  • DSE/中五程度或以上
  • 能操流利廣東話及英語、略懂普通話
  • 具備良好中英文書寫能力
  • 每週 5.5天輪班工作,每天 9 小時(包括 1 小時休息時間)

The personal data provided will only be used for recruitment and employment-related purposes. All personal data provided will be treated in strict confidence. All applications may be considered for other suitable position(s) in the Kuok/Kerry Group and its subsidiary/ associated companies. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact Human Resources Department by email to[our mailbox through Apply Now. Please mark “Confidential: Personal Data Access/ Correction/ Recruitment Enquiries" on your correspondence. Information on unsuccessful candidates will normally be destroyed after 24 months from the date of application. By submitting an application through Kerry Properties' Career webpage, you are deemed to have consented to its Personal Information Collection Statement.

工作地区 九龙湾
待遇 牙科保险 / 免费穿梭巴士 / 医疗保险 / 花红/奖金 / 勤工奖 / 新人奬金 / 晋升机会 / 在职培训
会考 / 中学文凭
技能 客户服务 / 解决问题能力 / 沟通能力
口语语言 良好粤语 / 良好英语 / 基础普通话
书写语言 良好中文 / 良好英语
受雇形式 全职
行业 物业管理 / 顾问

嘉里物業管理服務有限公司 Kerry Property Management Services Limited
At Kerry Properties, we commit to employing people who are passionate and dedicated. We look for people who always strive for excellence and possess a positive attitude. In turn, we offer our people boundless opportunities in career advancement and realization of their potential.